The following are national u3a events taking place which are not related to Moor Allerton Sports & Social Centre (MASSC) and are not regular group activities.
If some text is underlined, click on it for more details.
Have you ordered your diary for 2025 yet? 📖
Summer School 2025 🏫
Why not share time out with other u3a members from across the region and beyond?
We look forward to seeing you!
For more information and how to apply, please click here:
The u3a Brand Centre 🏪
Margaret Fiddes (National Vice-Chair) writes:
Hi Everyone,
The u3a brand centre has been updated and is much easier to use. From mid November, it will be fully operational, but for now the diaries are on the site - either singly or there's a discount if you order 10.
Here's the link:
From Mid November, you will be able to shop for the full range of u3a merchandise as you would shop online for anything else. No need to register, just order, pay and it will be on its way.
Apologies for the delay in making the diaries available - some u3as have been anxious to order. We have changed supplier to make the ordering easier for everyone, but of course it's taking a little longer than planned.
Very best wishes,
National Online Events 💻
Jo Turner - Groups Coordinator writes:
Always with the proviso that actually meeting people in a physical space is the ideal (the vast majority of our meetings), I offer you a link to ONLINE events via our National site.
There are no upcoming events at this time.